The great prognosis are drawn up.
The increase is up to 70% last time.
(MXXR) is the gainful deal and those who knows it is making money.
The drilling achivements of this highly capable oil partnership exceeded all its expectations.
One time this data hits the road there will be no stopping this one.
today it's approximately 0.022 but we are waiting it to triple.
Once the press release is made and the PR gets into full swing.
Don't hesitate and miss out. We advise you to buy today.
The key is getting in early and you have little time. We are told that Monday is the day this one will blast off. Find your position
before that happens.
LOBBY sin caer en tráfico de influencias , esta es nuestra meta y poder llegar a enseñar en distintos medios lo que el trabajo del lobby significa. TENEMOS DISPONIBLES CHARLAS CURSOS Y CONFERENCIAS PARA EMPRESAS, ORGANIZACIONES, UNIVERSIDADES, OTEC. ORGANIZACIONES EMPRESARIALES CONSULTAR;CELULAR.0993934521SANTIAGO, CHILE
domingo, octubre 22, 2006
Very important note. You must to read.
Se equivoca don Roberto Greenhill Martínez , en efecto: lo que hacia ese señor que vendía quitamanchas o el utensilio para pelar papas – que ud llama Charlatán - y lo hacía con elocuencia clerical dominical, es lo que se ha llamado “marketing” y es una forma de ayuda a la venta de productos determinados..
Esas personas de esos oficios y otros siguen en nuestra sociedad, a pesar de que ésta ha cambiado en forma abismante; sin embargo, ellos también cambiaron y hoy tienen nuevas técnicas para vender sus productos, como las tienen los supermercados, las grandes tiendas, los bancos, etc. Pero el lobby es otra cosa, mire:
“lobbying , que es el proceso planificado de comunicación , de contenido predominantemente informativo, en el marco de la política de relaciones públicas, de la empresa u organización con los poderes públicos, ejercido directamente por ésta, o a través de un tercero mediante contraprestación, que tiene como función intervenir sobre una decisión pública( norma o acto jurídico; en proyecto o en aplicación) o promover una nueva, transmitiendo una imagen positiva basada en la credibilidad de los argumentos defendidos que genere un entorno normativo y social favorable, y con la finalidad de orientarla en sentido deseado y favorable a los intereses representados”
Hay otras definiciones lobby y lobbying o cabildeo en el derecho comparado pero esta le dará una mejor idea de lo que el lobby es. Desde luego, no son meros ”charlatanes” quienes ejercen esa actividad en el mundo civilizado. Por cierto: son profesionales como cualquier otro.
Saludos: Rodrigo González Fernández
Serious letter. You should to read.
The great anticipations are drawn up.
The increase is up to 70% recently.
(MXXR) is the worthwhile deal and those who knows it is making money.
The drilling results of this highly capable oil company exceeded all its expectations.
One time this data hits the outdoors there will be no stopping this one.
today it's about 0.022 but we are waiting it to triple.
Once the announcement is made and the PR gets into full swing.
Don't hesitate and miss out. We counsel you to buy today.
The key is getting in early and you have little time. It was said that Monday is the day this one will detonate. Take a position
before that happens.
Solidàrium apuesta por crear un ‘lobby’ de entidades sociales ...
La Mañana Digital - Lleida,Spain
... d’ONGD i altres Moviments Solidaris de Lleida, Dani García, dijo ayer que son las entidades de Lleida las que tienen que hacer un “lobby real” y ...
Intenso lobby para sacar la cárcel del centro
La Discusión - Chillán,Chile
Su pleno compromiso a apoyar el traslado de la cárcel de Chillán desde el centro de la ciudad y de paso conformar un nuevo barrio cívico judicial frente a ...
Weighty letter. You must to read.
Buy Alert for TGVI.PK
TGC Ventures International, Inc.
Recent Price::0.0085
Market Cap:6.01M
Explosive Market Potential
About TGC Ventures International Inc.:
TGC Ventures International Inc. is a medically related holding company
that is targeting the burgeoning multi-trillion
dollar Health Care Services and Medical Devices & Supplies Industry.
Value proposition resides in both its knowledge
infrastructure and in the host of benefits associated with being a
United States publicly listed corporation.
Our technology also has the potential to provide earlier diagnosis of
prostate cancer. In summary TGC Ventures
International Inc. has the potential to deliver a substantially more
accurate, less expensive, easier to use diagnosis for
breast cancer, offering the hope of saving many patients lives through
earlier detection of breast cancer, while at the
same time lowering the overall cost of healthcare delivery.
Tue, Oct 3, 2006•TGC Ventures International Moves Head Office to
Atlanta PrimeZone Media Network (Tue, Oct 3)
Thu, Jul 20, 2006•TGC Ventures International Introduces New
DirectorPrime Zone Media Network (Thu, Jul 20)
Wed, May 24, 2006•TGC to Offer Homeopathic Complex for Psoriasis
Sufferers PrimeZone Media Network (Wed, May 24)
Wed, May 10, 2006•TGC Ventures International Executes Letter of Intent
With Tagalder Environmental Bio-Tech Limited
PrimeZone Media Network (Wed, May 10) Fri, Feb 3, 2006•TGC Ventures
International Inc.'s Investor Inquiry Satellite Office Is Now
OperationalPrimeZone Media Network (Fri, Feb 3)
TGC Ventures International Inc. is a medically related holding company
that is targeting the burgeoning multi-trillion
dollar Health Care Services and Medical Devices & Supplies Industry.
Over the last decade, the average annual revenue growth of the Medical
Device & Supplies Industry averaged 15%, or 23% for Medical Devices and
7% for medical supply companies
Our strategy is to become an emerging leader in the Health Care
Services Market and Medical Devices & Supplies
Industry. TGC Ventures Internationals growth will be accomplished with
the acquisitions of "profitable" companies
within these industries. TGC Ventures International will seek companies
worldwide that can efficiently provide Health
Care Services and/or Medical Devices & SuppliesTGC Ventures
International Inc.'s Health Care Services Market Industry will consist of Health
Care Services/ Medical Instrument & Devices Application Sectors,
Biotechnology and our main focus on Early Detection Cancer Clinics using FDA
approved Infra-red Thermal Imaging Technology.
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Securities exchange act of
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TGC Ventures International, Inc.
Web Site: www tgvi us