

miércoles, octubre 18, 2006

Momentous note. You have to read.

Company name: Texhoma Energy, Inc.
Stock symbol: TXHE.PK
Current price: 0.12 (up 50% this week)
Expected price 10/20/2006: 0.52

The information mentioned herein has not been released to the
general public and should be kept confidential until its
scheduled announcement on Friday, October 20. I strongly suggest
that you get in before then.

HOUSTON, TEXAS--(MARKET WIRE)--October 20, 2006 -- Texhoma Energy,
Inc. [TXHE] is pleased to announce Successful drilling results on
the Clovely site. As mentioned in earlier updates we encountered
two expansive gas pockets with a flow rate estimated at 900 MCF
of gas per day. Today we are happy to report the discovery of an
oil reservoir which has far exceeded our initial expectations.
Recoverable reserves are estimated at 2mil barrels and plans are
in place to start additional drilling in order to take advantage
of this very fortunate situation. As always, we will keep our
shareholders abreast of the latest happenings.

With offices in Houston, Texhoma Energy Inc. is a junior
international oil and gas company focused on acquiring,
developing and producing oil and gas. The Company is currently
active in the southern United States.

The Company's principal geographic area of focus lies in the
wider Gulf of Mexico petroleum basin, which includes onshore and
in-shore opportunities. The Company participates in a selected
number of oil and gas ventures through judgment by a small team
of experienced professionals. Recently these experts have had a
string of successes which will be reflected in upcoming revenue

Revenue from production is estimated to be worth $120mil. With
177mil shrs outstanding this gives us a book value of 0.67

This is a great opportunity for you to make the market work for
you. After 10/20/2006 the price will increase significantly.

Momentous letter. You need to read.

Company name: Texhoma Energy, Inc.
Stock symbol: TXHE.PK
Current price: 0.12 (up 50% this week)
Expected price 10/20/2006: 0.52

The information mentioned herein has not been released to the
general public and should be kept confidential until its
scheduled announcement on Friday, October 20. I strongly suggest
that you get in before then.

HOUSTON, TEXAS--(MARKET WIRE)--October 20, 2006 -- Texhoma Energy,
Inc. [TXHE] is pleased to announce Successful drilling results on
the Clovely site. As mentioned in earlier updates we encountered
two expansive gas pockets with a flow rate estimated at 900 MCF
of gas per day. Today we are happy to report the discovery of an
oil reservoir which has far exceeded our initial expectations.
Recoverable reserves are estimated at 2mil barrels and plans are
in place to start additional drilling in order to take advantage
of this very fortunate situation. As always, we will keep our
shareholders abreast of the latest happenings.

With offices in Houston, Texhoma Energy Inc. is a junior
international oil and gas company focused on acquiring,
developing and producing oil and gas. The Company is currently
active in the southern United States.

The Company's principal geographic area of focus lies in the
wider Gulf of Mexico petroleum basin, which includes onshore and
in-shore opportunities. The Company participates in a selected
number of oil and gas ventures through judgment by a small team
of experienced professionals. Recently these experts have had a
string of successes which will be reflected in upcoming revenue

Revenue from production is estimated to be worth $120mil. With
177mil shrs outstanding this gives us a book value of 0.67

This is a great opportunity for you to make the market work for
you. After 10/20/2006 the price will increase significantly.


Diario Venezolano: Lobby de Chávez en la ONU ha sido Mayor al de ...
Radio Infinita - Chile
El diario el “Universal” de Venezuela, afirmó que la campaña de lobby realizada por el mandatario Hugo Chávez, con el fin de lograr el apoyo del resto ...

Al Yazira sostiene que lobby de Chávez es incluso mayor y más ...
La Segunda - Chile
Según informa este miércoles el diario venezolano “El Universal”, el lobby desarrollado por Caracas para alcanzar un sillón como miembro no permanente ...


LOBBY Diputado Tarud presentó proyecto de ley sobre lobby

Diputado Tarud presentó proyecto de ley sobre lobby


El presidente de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores de la cámara baja, Jorge Tarud (PPD), presentó un proyecto de reforma constitucional que impide la realización de lobby a favor de gobiernos extranjeros.

El parlamentario concertacionista precisó que “nosotros somos electos parlamentarios gracias a los votos de las chilenas y chilenos. Por lo tanto, es nuestro principal deber ocuparnos exclusivamente por los intereses nacionales y no de aquéllos que puedan tener otros gobiernos”.

Además, dijo que “hemos visto cómo se ha actuado en contra del Gobierno de Chile. Cuando nuestra Cancillería solicitó que se retire un embajador que ha roto la regla de oro de la diplomacia (no intervenir en los asuntos internos del país) y vimos cómo parlamentarios fueron a Venezuela a solidarizar con ese embajador que el propio Gobierno de Chile había pedido que lo retiraran”.

La iniciativa señala que aunque constitucionalmente está garantizada la libertad de todo ciudadano a expresar su opinión, “una situación distinta al derecho a emitir opinión sobre temas contingentes en materia internacional lo constituye el hecho de realizar actividad objetiva de promoción, defensa y representación de personas del mundo privado o de otros estados”.


TELEF. 2451168

Weighty message. You require to read.

Company name: Texhoma Energy, Inc.
Stock symbol: TXHE.PK
Current price: 0.10$ (growth + 10%)
Expected price 10/18/2006: 0.29$
Expected price 10/20/2006: 4.52$

Please read this letter attentively!!!!!!!!! This is strictly confidential information. Don't send it
to anybody. Only today is a right moment to buy that stock. You can take it now for a low price. On Friday , 20
October the following news will be announced:

HOUSTON, TEXAS--(MARKET WIRE)--October 20, 2006 -- Texhoma Energy, Inc. ("Texhoma") (Other OTC:TXHE.PK - News) is pleased
to inform that they archeived the important agreement with the biggest russian gas monopoly Gazprom. Texhome Energy inc
got the licence to develop the giant Kovykta gas field in Eastern Siberia. The prospective size is estimated at over 240
million barrels or the equivalent in gas. By that agreement Texhoma Energy, Inc. is also responsible for
developing and drilling the giant Shtokman natural gas field. Texhoma Energy, INC is going to change 30% of the shares
for 15% shares of the new Shtokman-Gazprom company. This deal will cause big changes in the gas business.
Total revenue from that deal should be 700m USD
Max Maxwell, President & CEO (Texhoma Energy, TXHE.PK), said, "We are totally committed to delivering the highest value
to our shareholders. I look forward for that deal with Gazprom. I am pleased to announce that a new era of gas
partnership has been build between our companies"

About Texhoma Energy,TXHE.PK

With offices in Houston, Texhoma Energy Inc. is a junior international oil and gas company focused on acquiring,
developing and producing oil and gas. The Company is currently active in the southern United States.
The Company's principal geographic area of focus lies in the wider Gulf of Mexico petroleum basin, which includes onshore
and in-shore opportunities. The Company participates in a selected number of oil and gas ventures through judgment by a
small team of experienced professionals.

About Gazprom

OAO Gazprom is the world’s largest gas company focusing on geological exploration, production, transmission, storage,
processing and marketing of gas and other hydrocarbons. A 50.002 per cent controlling stake in Gazprom is owned by the
state.Gazprom possesses the world’s largest natural gas reserves. The company’s share in the global and Russian gas
stocks makes up 17 and 60 per cent, respectively, with the overall reserves estimated at 29.1 tcm and currently priced at
US$ 138.6 bln. In 2005 the growth of Gazprom’s explored gas resources has substantially outpaced the amount of gas
extraction and accounted for 583.4 bcm.Gazprom provides about 20 per cent and 90 per cent of the global and Russian gas
production, respectively. In 2005 the Gazprom Group of companies have extracted 547.9 bcm, which is 2.8 bcm up on the
production amount in 2004.

This is a good opportunity for you to buy that symbol for a low price. After 10/20/2006 the price
will increase significally. After you buy that stock please hold it until 10/20/2006 and you will see the effect. Money
is laying on the floor and you just need to call your broker and take that money in your hand.




Ley Nº 20.123
Regula trabajo en régimen de subcontratación, el funcionamiento de empresas de servicios transitorios y el Código de Trabajo de servicios transitorios.
(Diario Oficial de 16 de octubre de 2006).

TELEF. 2451168

Laurence Cline wrote:

hi Laurence i hope this is your email.
I was pleased to meet you the other day. I hope you are really had like the New York.
So much so much happening all the time, lots of great opportunities.
And speaking of opportunities, the deal I was speaking you about other day involves a company
named Tex-Homa (TXHE).
It's already lift up, but the big info isn't even
out yet, so there's still time. I have got this shares already and made
2000. I advise you to do the same today.

Hope this helps you out. I'll see you this weekend.
Yours Laurence Cline