

domingo, noviembre 12, 2006


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!

lobby: es comunicación. Oportunidades y desafios para profesionales

 Rodrigo González Fernández, de lobbyingchile.blogspot.com , ha dicho en la Universidad de Chile que el lobby es basicamente entrega de información especializada. En Chile se esta legislando sobre el Lobby. Tenemos talleres de lobby especializados para organizaciones y ONGs tendientes a entregar herramientas que permitan conocer esta importante herramienta de las comunicaciones pronta a ser ley de la república y que abre un amplio campo educacional y ocupacional en el país. Estos talleres estrán disponibles en SOFOFA durante 2007 Reservar en  6884265 , sr. Claudio Pérez Santiago.
Desde infobolsa, Argentina:
Calvo apuesta por que los hombres tomen el timón en la lucha contra la. violencia de género para avanzar más rápido

violencia de género para avanzar más rápido CËRDOBA, 10 (EUROPA PRESS) La ministra de Cultura, Carmen Calvo, que asistió hoy en Córdoba a la inauguración del XIV Feminario que organiza la Plataforma Andaluza de Apoyo al Lobby Europeo de Mujeres, afirmó que en la lucha contra la violencia a las mujeres "es un asunto en el que tienen que tomar el timón los varones porque mientras no sea así no avanzaremos más rápido".
En declaraciones a los periodistas, la ministra señaló que "hace falta que en los foros de este tipo participen los hombres" y afirmó que "no es posible que la sociedad avance sin la consideración, la energía, las esperanzas, libertades y los derechos de las mujeres".
De este modo, lamentó que "no seamos capaces entre todos, en una sociedad moderna como la nuestra, de atajar la violencia contra las mujeres", un asunto que, según dijo, es "absolutamente gravísimo del conjunto de la sociedad, de la seguridad física en las propias mujeres y del modelo de convivencia en el que nos estamos moviendo".
Asimismo, manifestó que "muchos de los peligros que corre el mundo no existirían si las mujeres llevaran mucho más tiempo en el siglo XX participando en las decisiones y estrategias de la gobernanza".
Por su parte, la alcaldesa de Córdoba, Rosa Aguilar, que también acudió a la inauguración, destacó que "la democracia todavía es incompleta porque no hay una igualdad real aunque las leyes lo proclamen en la vida diaria de los ciudadanos, sino que aún se pone de manifiesto esa desigualdad en el campo educativo, en el ámbito de la pobreza, en el campo de la inserción laboral y con un tema que pone en evidencia el conjunto de la sociedad que es la violencia de género".
Por eso, apostó por que las mujeres "sigan comprometidas caminando, dialogando, encontrándonos, debatiendo y buscando las mejores respuestas y por eso tenemos también que hacer un llamamiento al conjunto de la ciudadanía para que los hombres, cada vez más, se sumen en esta causa común que debe ser la igualdad plena para toda la sociedad en términos de oportunidades, de derecho y en términos de construir entre todos una democracia completa".
| 10/Nov/2006 18:19:46 (EUROPA PRESS) 11/10/18-19/06 
TELEF. 2451168- 5839786



RODRIGO GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, de lobbyingchile.blogspot.com, ha señalado que luego de dos charlas dictadas en la Univeridad de Chile,  se ha abierto la posibilidad de poder enseñar el lobby en diversos cenrtros educacionales de Chile, en entidades gremiales  incluso en  el extranjero.  Para ello hemos ideado charlas, talleres, cursos  que están disponibles para Empresas, organizacioes . Solo llamar a nuestra organización. F. 2451168 o a SOFOFA -CHILE F.6884265 Sr Claudio Pérez
Denuncian "lobby" de empresas para frenar expropiación
Gente-BA - Capital Federal,Buenos Aires,Argentina
"La Alameda", denunciaron hoy un "lobby de marcas" instalado en la Legislatura para frenar la aprobación de la ley que dispone la expropiación del inmueble ...



Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!


Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!