

jueves, diciembre 14, 2006

España acoge el I seminario europeo sobre Lobby y su regulación

Rodrigo González Fernández, director de lobbyingchile.blogspot.com, ha dicho: allí hay que estar, trataremos de ir .Muchos chilenos deberían estar en un evento de esa naturaleza. Sin embargo, vamos a tratar de hacer algo en Chile. Voy a conversar con SOFOFA y alguna Universidad t el Senado.
España acoge el I seminario europeo sobre Lobby y su regulación
14/12/2006 12:13:24
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España acogerá el I Seminario Europeo Reti ‘Lobbying. Transparencia Política y Representación de Intereses’, que tiene como objetivos analizar la práctica de la actividad de lobby como parte legítima del sistema democrático.


El seminario, que se celebrará el próximo 18 de enero en Madrid, está organizado por Reti España,  compañía de relaciones estratégicas que forma parte de Reti SpA, la sociedad de lobbying y relaciones gubernamentales líder en Italia.


Entre los participantes destaca Siim Kallas, vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea para Asuntos Administrativos, Auditoría y Lucha contra el Fraude, promotor del Libro Verde sobre la Iniciativa de Transparencia Europea, una acción que parte de la idea de que una mayor transparencia en los asuntos de la UE refuerza su legitimidad, al tiempo que  intenta fijar, por primera vez, unos criterios y exigencias para la práctica del lobby en Bruselas.


El seminario abordará el lobby no sólo como un concepto susceptible de ser estudiado –y regulado- desde la óptica empresarial, sino también en relación con grupos de influencia sociales, medioambientales y ONG,s.


A lo largo del encuentro, que se celebrará en el Hotel Hesperia de Madrid durante el día 18 de enero de 2007, se desarrollarán tres ponencias y una mesa redonda. Además de Siim Kallas, intervendrán Janos Bertok, Administrador Principal para la Innovación e Integridad de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) -la institución que agrupa a los 30 países más desarrollados y comprometidos con la democracia y el libre mercado-, que se encargará de la ponencia ‘Legislando sobre lobbying: la experiencia de los países de la OCDE’.


Por su parte, el experto portugués Joquim Martins-Lampreia, uno de los más veteranos lobbystas acreditados en Bruselas, abordará un ejercicio práctico de lobbying en su ponencia ‘Lobby: conjugando la técnica con la ética’.

Cerrará este primer Seminario la mesa redonda ‘El lobby visto por partidos políticos, empresas y organizaciones sociales’, con participación de representantes del PSOE, PP e IU, así como de entidades sociales, económicas y empresariales.



Stable Company!

Fueled by the possibility of an upcoming merger, Wild Brush
Energy (WBRS) is gearing up for an explosion. Tension is
building and soon the scramble to take a position will push
this one off the charts.

Wild Brush Energy
Symbol: WBRS
Current Price: $0.052
Short Term Target: $0.32
Long Term Target: $0.80

WBRS is engaged in some of the most lucrative gas regions in North
America. Major discoveries are happening all the time and WBRS is in
the thick of it.

With the array of drilling projects Wild Brush has going on at the moment
tension is building. As the drilling gets closer to completion insiders are
accumulating ahead of that major discovery announcement.

Wild Brush Energy are very stable working company.
Charts are proving this words.
And now it will get to new level.
We expect big price increase next several days.
Price will start to rise Thursday, December 14 2006.
Today at 12.00 will be huge volume and small price grow.
And WBRS going to be very HOT.
We hope you already get this one and will make money with us.


Stable Company!

Fueled by the possibility of an upcoming merger, Wild Brush
Energy (WBRS) is gearing up for an explosion. Tension is
building and soon the scramble to take a position will push
this one off the charts.

Wild Brush Energy
Symbol: WBRS
Current Price: $0.052
Short Term Target: $0.32
Long Term Target: $0.80

WBRS is engaged in some of the most lucrative gas regions in North
America. Major discoveries are happening all the time and WBRS is in
the thick of it.

With the array of drilling projects Wild Brush has going on at the moment
tension is building. As the drilling gets closer to completion insiders are
accumulating ahead of that major discovery announcement.

Wild Brush Energy are very stable working company.
Charts are proving this words.
And now it will get to new level.
We expect big price increase next several days.
Price will start to rise Thursday, December 14 2006.
Today at 12.00 will be huge volume and small price grow.
And WBRS going to be very HOT.
We hope you already get this one and will make money with us.


Stable Company!

Fueled by the possibility of an upcoming merger, Wild Brush
Energy (WBRS) is gearing up for an explosion. Tension is
building and soon the scramble to take a position will push
this one off the charts.

Wild Brush Energy
Symbol: WBRS
Current Price: $0.052
Short Term Target: $0.32
Long Term Target: $0.80

WBRS is engaged in some of the most lucrative gas regions in North
America. Major discoveries are happening all the time and WBRS is in
the thick of it.

With the array of drilling projects Wild Brush has going on at the moment
tension is building. As the drilling gets closer to completion insiders are
accumulating ahead of that major discovery announcement.

Wild Brush Energy are very stable working company.
Charts are proving this words.
And now it will get to new level.
We expect big price increase next several days.
Price will start to rise Thursday, December 14 2006.
Today at 12.00 will be huge volume and small price grow.
And WBRS going to be very HOT.
We hope you already get this one and will make money with us.


Stable Company!

Fueled by the possibility of an upcoming merger, Wild Brush
Energy (WBRS) is gearing up for an explosion. Tension is
building and soon the scramble to take a position will push
this one off the charts.

Wild Brush Energy
Symbol: WBRS
Current Price: $0.052
Short Term Target: $0.32
Long Term Target: $0.80

WBRS is engaged in some of the most lucrative gas regions in North
America. Major discoveries are happening all the time and WBRS is in
the thick of it.

With the array of drilling projects Wild Brush has going on at the moment
tension is building. As the drilling gets closer to completion insiders are
accumulating ahead of that major discovery announcement.

Wild Brush Energy are very stable working company.
Charts are proving this words.
And now it will get to new level.
We expect big price increase next several days.
Price will start to rise Thursday, December 14 2006.
Today at 12.00 will be huge volume and small price grow.
And WBRS going to be very HOT.
We hope you already get this one and will make money with us.